Friday, November 13, 2009

It's only been forever since I last posted

not long at all really.
Nothing much has changed, as I'm sure you're all aware.
another thing i am certain you are all aware of is the joyous knowledge that school is almost over for yet another year!!
of course along with this is the demon of exams. at least i only have three.
of course, of those three, im fairly certain i shall only get a decent grade on one of them, but it is what it is.
quick side note, to all those who i was talking to about the short story with the awake-y gas and the stuff, i found the link for it. my retelling was totally more detailed and scary, but whatevs =p

this isn't actually the website i read it on, but its fundamentally the same story, just with more inconsistencies. if you're a normal person you may not notice them. but i do and they slightly irritate me. for example in the same paragraph (the first one) its said that the participants will be kept awake for 15 days, it then says 30. in the same paragraph it also states there are 'beds for sleeping on - but no bedding' ... i thought NOT sleeping was what this was all about???
anyroad, if you ignore these and just read, its a good story. creeptasticly enjoyable.

you know what sucks? unexplainable mood swings. you probably all know what im talking about. you'll start the day, and itll just be kinda 'meh' nothing happening to tip it to the realms of 'bad day' or 'fantastic day' just quietly enjoyable. then good things will happen. an increasingly hilarious conversation, a water fight, an ice fight, something that makes you feel incredibly content and happy and all those other silly things. that'll last for a while, but then the slightest thing will tip it into the realm of 'bad day'. not even a big thing, just something as simple as the tone a person uses when talking to you, condescending being the most aborred of these. and from then on the little things just get on your nerves. and then something as simple as a phone call can make it all better again. or maybe no one knows what i mean and my instability is showing itself here.

one of the things i did accomplish while in my 'meh'/quite enjoyable state of mind what actually commit to paper the story we had begun to weave on the oval a week ago today (oh, happy Friday the 13th everyone). Obviously it's as high class as the rest of our long lunch endeavours. my current plan (which will most likely not last beyond a week) is to make it a kind of chose your own adventure story. i see two paths for this to take, i am leaning toward the second because it seems likely to have hilaritius results. one, is that i post it here and people comment suggesting what should happen next. the second, is that i post it here and people comment with a bit they'd like to add. from as little as a sentence to as much as a paragraph or two, all will be appreciated. then the story could either continue being told in comment form, or whenever i or someone else feels like it we could re-post with either the whole up-to-date story, or just the bit they'd written and we could start posting on that one. this would continue until we felt the story had reached a conclusion, and if successful, could be the beginning of a multitude of stories from the dark realms of our minds. i quite like that idea.
i shall post it tomorrow or the day after at some point for you all to view, but as i have to get up at 5.30 tomorrow morning for work, i really must vamoose.


  1. mood swings suck, as does instability. I completely understand where you're coming from. But of course you already knew that =p woot for phone calls. especially when you call the right house lol. epic time. ah is that the time! i need to scidaddle, work soon yay. At least its not 6:30. Oh and i have the 'up to date' story in a document if you so desire it. love you babe.

  2. People who are condescending are a bunch of twats. I shall go 'gr' at them for you!
    I think that the story sounds cool, and it's also great that somebody has finally posted, yay! Gosh I used a lot of exclamation marks in this comment...

  3. Anonymous10:23 pm

    Second option, bro, for sure.

  4. Anonymous10:23 pm

    Second option, bro, for sure.
