Sunday, September 12, 2010

Right Now I:

  • Have a throbbing headache
  • Should be doing homework
  • Want to scream
  • Am sick of teenage girls - actually, just people in general:
  1. not thinking about what repercussions their actions/words have
  2. being two faced, bitchy and backstabby
  3. knowing the hurt their words/actions may cause and going ahead with it anyway
  • Kind of want/need to be sick
  • Want a friend
  • Want to be somewhere far, far away and happy.
  • Don't care if you think you're mature. I don't care if you think it's okay because you're just bitching to a friend (generally a mutual one) and the person will never hear it. I don't care if you think that it's okay for you to do it and that somehow becuase it's you it's 'different'. I just don't care. Saying horrible things as a 'joke' or because 'it's true!' does not make it okay. It does not make you a good person. It just drags humanity as a whole further down into the hell we're creating.

Thursday, September 09, 2010


Sitting, waiting for a phone call. I don't think that it will ever come, to be honest.

At least I had a lovely conversation with a friend's mum :S

Honestly, I do think that Italian is no reason to be out of the house when I come a'ringing.


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Plastic soul

Desire to waste time mindlessly surfing the internet is proportional to the amount of work that needs to get done.

Not that a teenager needs to be told things about the 'net, pffft.

Hang in there, 2 days and counting....

I love that when I go to tag this with holidays "naked hide and seek" pops up (:

Girl Crush

I am currently totally Girl Crushing on Kristen Bell at the moment. I think she's gorgeous and plan to go and see movies with her in them. Particularly one called 'Burlesque' coming out on December 26th this year.

Anyone wanna come with? =p

Friday, September 03, 2010


1 and a half days at Uni a week? Yeah, I think I should be able to cope with that.
Here's hoping I get some more work soon though...

Thursday, September 02, 2010


you're starting to make some sense. Keep working at it =)

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Dear Life,

When you finally figure out what you want from me, let me know, K? You've kinda left me hangin here.
