Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jellyfish Thrash Dance

so we went to the new vouge class today.
its alright, but its basically a beginners class
which is kinda craptastic as dooing the same thing over and over again gets old pretty quickly. also, the first dance we learnt was the carosel, which we'd learnt the previous week at the other dance school. lolz tasmic. but not really.
the teacher is the guy who own the place, which is different coz we usually have a different teacher. but he's still at our class. as a student.
it makes me lol. shouldn't. but it does.
we left a bit early and then went to the other dance school. ABK. tis awesome. i heart it.
we do a bit of random stuff, mainly lating, jives, cha cha, rumba. but occationaly do other stuff, tangos, rock and roll etc.
and then there's the most awesome type of dancing of all.
The Jellyfish Thrash Dance.
you know when you get bored in a dance class, and you put your arms out either side and just kind of bob up and down? well thats the jellyfish dance.
add music with some bass, jumps instead of bobs, floppy wrists and head banging, and you have
Jellyfish Thrash Dancing.

The Ultimate Dance.

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