Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dancing, tatts and crazy bats

well. we had dancing again today
quite frankly, i learnt more in period 5 of class today. and trust me, i didn't learn much.
it was the exact same class as last week. 40 freaking minutes of the 60 minute class was spent on the carosel. which we knew.
its just all a bit non-sensical to be honest.
we're contemplating not going back.
i guess we'll see how things go and just try and be zen until the time we reach a decision.
speaking of being zen, ive been anything but recently.
people confuse me. sometimes i think they have more mood swings than ME. egads.

i am thinking of getting a tattoo. a small one, on my foot.
im not sure what yet though.
i'm thinking just a small star, that way if i want to add to it later its realativly easy to.
andbody have any thoughts?
im guessing probably not as im pretty sure no one has the URL for this.
maybe i shall give it out.
if i do. hi. sup? etc.

as for the crazy bats, read into that what you will.
an underlying psychological problem that needs addressing?
maybe so.
or maybe i just liky rhyming.

.... i am currently listening to itunes and its on shuffle.
i just discovered that i have 'beethovens 5th. techno remix'
now who has psychological issues!!!!


  1. i like the idea of the tattoo. its not ott and its not tacky. would it be on your foot or on you ankle. i think you should go ankle. it kicks more lol. by th by emmie i dont think your phsycological issus are underlying there just kind of there. jks jks luv oooooh

  2. yeah, most people seem to think my psychological issues are more 'jump-out-and-hit-you-in-the-face' than underlying =p
    i think ankle would hurt like a mother. i mean, i know its gonna hurt wherever, but its so darn close to the bone on the ankle.
    i was thinking right side of my right foot.

  3. oooh v. cute. lol you should go to the tattoo place in sabs chook does heaps of star tatts and he has some amazing ones. so pretty

  4. like i was saying, not sure what to get though.
    i should just get people to upload their ideas to this and i can choose =p
    sigh. im so lazy =D
