Saturday, March 14, 2009

So To Ease My Tired Borded

i did an online test. well, i did a couple.
but one i did that im currently talking about is a 'why are you still single'
yeah, i know i'm awesome.
but i'll bet you all really what to know why =p
well apparently it's because i'm a geek.
now, i know i'm increadibly uncool.
but, aren't geeks generally really smart in one or two catogories to be counted as geeks?
and apparently i scored higher on higher than 93% of my peers on despair.
that's really not a cheerful thought =p

I Know I've Said It Before

but i'm going to say it again,
i really do love the rain.
it's raining again now, and surpirisly that is what prompted this discussion
it makes me mellow.
i'm tired as all hell right about now. just got home from work.
only worked 12-5 which i know really isn't that much, but i'm still stuffed.
and i'm working 9.30-4.30 tommorow.
i do like my job, but when i have to get up at 7.30, i'm definatly thinking of the money.
i can't even think.
which is just not like me.
even if its stupid things, i generally always have at least one thought.
very pretty falling water.
oh. its stopped. sad now.
anyway. u read this.
and learn't nothing.
suckers =p

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No Real Point To This Point.

just random thoughts
am rather tired
just debated in DAV for the first time ever
first speaker. was supposed to go from 6 to 8 minutes. went for 3.05 =p
topic was 'that we should abolish minimum wage' we were affermitive.
negative first speaker went for 7 minutes. bit of a difference to mine =p
but we both got 74 wich surprised me.
i was quite happy with that =p
next debate is in two weeks but i dont think im debating
had a bit of a freak out at 6.30 when i realised i didn't have my que cards, and the debate was at 7.
debated with jacky and katie. we are Team Freaking Fantastic.
we should so have shirts.

on a slightly different topic, list time!!! have i ever mentioned....
...that i can be rather a large romantic? i love when everything falls perfectly into place for our on screen herione, or song herioine.
...that although i don't seem it, if i think i deserve praise, i will most likely be modest about it. if i don't particularly, but don't want to sound negative, i'll mostly likely just go 'yup, i rule'
...that i'm actually trying to cut back on being so down on myself. it bothers me when i do it. i'd rather lie to myself and tell me i'm fabulous all the damn time =)
...i actully like country music. it's good stuff.
...i believe pass the parcel to be an awesome game and still fun to play at parties. i also believe it's supposed to be fun, and it should never be manipulated into a sick and twisted form of social bullying.
...i like being blonde. i have no issues with admitting that its not my natural hair colour, but i still kinda like it.
...that it's possible ill add more to this at a later date. maybe even turn it into its own post (wouldn't that make it feel special!!!) but for now im dead tired, so am going to finish up, and listen to taylor swift on my ipod. night all =p

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nobody Panic!!!

Ty got to Rachel. She knows he still loves her.
She was crying as she got on the plane, surprisingly enough.
i have no idea what else happened, as i only walked into the room as there were hugs and tears and things.
But no one need panic, for the lovers know that the love is still there.
everyone breath a sigh of relief and continue on with their lives.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rain, in all it's glory

came bucketing down today.
my hair was dripping
my blothes coudn't hold anymore water in them
my shoes we're like a swimming pool
it was freaking awesome
i love the rain
and then it stared hailing, so we got pelted with that as well.
ill type it again, i love the rain
its just so. brilliant.
it creates puddles
which create places for us to jump
and so we jump
and we laugh
and we release endorphins
and everything seems right once again
no matter what is going on.
no matter who's snubbing who.
playing out in the rain when its wet and not cold, is one of the best things ever
and will always make me feel better
i love when it rains so hard, you can't hear yourself think, let alone the teacher all the way up the front of the room
i love it when it rains and you don't have the teacher that insists on teaching, you have the substitute teacher and you've finished all the work and they don't mind if you look as the rain as long as you're not too disruptive
i love it when you see lightning and count the seconds until the thunder arrives
i love it when the lightning is all jagged-y and you can clearly see its forks in the sky
i love it when you hear a huge crack of thunder sounds and all the prissy girls shriek and people (in this case jacky) yell out 'man up!'
i love it when people start stressing about about the rain is going to ruin their hair, it's more fun wet
and, i just love how fun the rain is. jumping in puddles isn't a kid thing, and it is still fun
basically, rain rules.

Is it wrong...

that i really want ty to stop rachel before she gets on a plane to london?
it seems like such a bizzar wish.
here are two people, whom i've never met, and never will meet becuase they are fictional characters.
although i suppose you could technically argue that by being an observer of their lives, i have met them, but i should really have no emotional connection. on the television screen, they're 2D.
in case you're unaware (as many people probably would be) i'm talking about a couple of chracters from neighbours. i'm not an avid follower of the show, and will spend as much time asking my sister 'what's going on?' 'when did they get married?!?' and the ever changing 'who likes who??'
the wonders of soaps. allowing us to walk in and out of peoples lives with no effort on our behalf, except possibly turning the tv on, or chaning the channel.
what is it about these peoples lives that has thousands of people tuning in every night to see how their life is?
i suppose thats really a bit of a rhetorical question these days.
becuase it's interesing. becuase they exprience things that some of us never have. they laugh, cry, fall apart, and always have a support network to fall back upon. and they love.
every week there seems to be another fight going on, whether it be an internal one or a physical one. and quite frankly, it's exhausting.
i mean, unless you watch every night, you never quite known what's going on. i'm not saying you can't pick it up, it's really not that hard. but i like knowing why. it's irritating i know, but if they're arguing, i want to know why? who said what, when and where? who else was there? does everyone know they're not speaking?
and then you've got to watch them struggle, as they pretend to not love someone, just so that person will 'do the right thing'. then there's the rush at the end of the episode as they realise they've been a fool. they just let the love of their life go, how foolish of them, they can't live without them. one minute they're so convinced that breaking up with this person is the right thing to do, the next they're grovelling for forgivness at an airport, or the front door of her new beau's place.
how can they change so quickly? how can their view of right and wrong shift so quickly as soon as they realise they've done something that hurts themselves. sure, they may have known it would hurt to say goodbye to them, and done it anyway, which i suppose is slightly commendable, but when they realise just how hurt they are by their own actions, they rush to rectify this, the thoughts of the other persons feelings now completely erased from their minds.
it is simply highlighting something we all know.
humans are selfish.
you are selfish.
i am selfish.
is there anthing in our lives that we do for absolutly no gratification?
i know this isn't an original thought. joey form friends had the exact same one. but honeslty, can anyone think of a single thing we don't do for at least one positive ramification?
we may hate our job, but we work becuase we need and like the money.
we give to charity to help others, and we feel good about ourselves because we've helped somebody less fortunate than ourselves.
it seems an inescapeable truth. has anyone any thoughts they would like to share on the matter?
quite probably not.
ah well.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dancing, tatts and crazy bats

well. we had dancing again today
quite frankly, i learnt more in period 5 of class today. and trust me, i didn't learn much.
it was the exact same class as last week. 40 freaking minutes of the 60 minute class was spent on the carosel. which we knew.
its just all a bit non-sensical to be honest.
we're contemplating not going back.
i guess we'll see how things go and just try and be zen until the time we reach a decision.
speaking of being zen, ive been anything but recently.
people confuse me. sometimes i think they have more mood swings than ME. egads.

i am thinking of getting a tattoo. a small one, on my foot.
im not sure what yet though.
i'm thinking just a small star, that way if i want to add to it later its realativly easy to.
andbody have any thoughts?
im guessing probably not as im pretty sure no one has the URL for this.
maybe i shall give it out.
if i do. hi. sup? etc.

as for the crazy bats, read into that what you will.
an underlying psychological problem that needs addressing?
maybe so.
or maybe i just liky rhyming.

.... i am currently listening to itunes and its on shuffle.
i just discovered that i have 'beethovens 5th. techno remix'
now who has psychological issues!!!!