Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Have Changed My Background.

Mulitple times in the past few minutes.
I havnen't yet settled on the most flattering/attractive, but shall let you all know when i do.
If you can not guess what i have been changing it to, then you don't know my current mindset at all.
and considering the fact i have been screaming TORCHWOOD all over my last two posts...
well, my mindset isn't that hard to guess.
i heart janto.
i rather dislike that word.
but i love the pairing.
and its cannon.
you hear me all those gwen/jack shippers???
ianto/jack is cannon.


  1. i dislike the word janto too. it looks as if someone has made a typo and spelt ianto's name wrong. and this makes me angry. ianto/jack. so hot. i showed ash the make out scene. hehe lol. he keeps asking me why im so interested in 2 guys making out. and honestly i dont know. its just so freaking hot!!!

  2. good girl.
    i kept thinking people just really couldn't spell iantos name when i first saw it.
    coz i is soo coolz.
    i heart ianto.
