Monday, July 27, 2009

Season 4 and Other thoughts =D

has got to bring Ianto back.
If they don't. well, i would cry.
Although if there is no Ianto not dying or coming back to life, we should at least see LOTS of flashbacks and other juicy tidbits etc.

In other news, I am on a mission.
I can hear you all crowing for you love it when i have a mission.
My mission is to uncover the CONSPIRACY that is going on at school RIGHT under out noses!
There is a man at school, a man who has a pigeon hole, a man who has an office, but a man who DOESN'T EXIST!!
This non-existent man claims to be the 'Convener of Co-curricular activities' at our marvelous school.
Three of us have written a proposal for this man, that i shall publish here for you all in a few days.

Best long lunch I've had in a long time. Shizz is good.

It's my birthday tomorrow!!!!!!
Am actually starting to get excited about it.
Have already got 2 presents, and A CAKE!!!!
Work gave me a fluffy fluffy white dressing gown and body scrub, as well as a make up organiser thing, and Kirsti gave me $50 worth of itunes vouchers =D
and i got a chocolate cake from the cheesecake shop from people from Lady Windermere's Fan.

People are adorable and the world is a wonderful place full of love.

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