Friday, December 25, 2009

So It's Christmas.

And Merry Christmas to you all.
But you know what?
This year, I'm just not feeling it.
Depressing huh? I live for this holiday. You all know how much I love the music. But currently that's all it is - music.
We had the radio on at Chrissy lunch today - I know, poor form. But even I couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to change it - and whenever I tuned in to what was playing (get it, radio, tuned it?) they were songs that had been played in the back of Victors van. And some of them even had dance moves!
Is it ungrateful to want to be in a completely different country even though it's Christmas?
Scratch that. I know it's ungrateful.
But can I bring myself to care?

Currently Listening To: Nothing Christmassy. Fireflies by Owl City.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


What are everyone's plans for New Years? Also, Im thinking Im gonna delete my other blog - thoughts?

Christmas Joy.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas tomorrow full of laughter and presents =)
We all need to catch up after Christmas, it's been far too long.
Miss you all. Hope your holidays have been wonderful so far.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Don't you hate it when you get crazy, personal emails that are for somebody else? I think that someone must have a similar email address but slightly different, got some odd messages. Freaked me out a little. One from somebody whose address said that they were called Lynne, but later on they said that their name was Heather. Supposedly we've drifted apart, and she'll never forget playing hide and seek with me. Awkward~
In another, Karin asked about my unpacking, and told me that Leigh has 18 new lambs. Thanks, I guess.?
And some French person keeps emailing me and asking for me to send a teddy, as far as I can tell. That one at least appears to be a random scam, not a real person.
Why don't people check addresses before they send personal messages? Grr.
And yes, another nothing-post. I do that a lot.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Quick Random Thought

#2. I like country music. Generally pop country, or soft rock country, but still. I enjoy it.
#3. Games where you end up wearing ridiculous amounts of other peoples clothing are fun.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Only the Best

You know whats awesome.
Gareth David Lloyd.
You know whats even more awesome.
Meeting Gareth David Lloyd.