Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We damn well need some more postings, bloggers. I'm a bit tired of checking without anything new! I need other people to do exciting things and write about them so I can live vicariously through their interestingness. I guess with this swotvac thing the amount of action on here is hardly likely to increase. Hey, here's to hoping.

Labyrinth/Phantom of the opera crossover. I may have told some of you about this multiple times :D

On that note, anyone else excited about Love Never Dies?


  1. It's true, more people need to post, it's rather boring.
    And yes, Love Never Dies! Woo!

  2. That is a very good comic.
    I may have accidentally read all of it.
    And all of the 'Roommates' series. But it was worth it =p
    Tot's looking forward to Love Never Dies, roadtrip to Melbourne!
