Saturday, November 06, 2010

Currently Hearting

Matthew Reilly
Jack West Jr
The Goblin King
The Sunshine
New Toys
Having The Weekend Completely Free =)


  1. Such a spangly area is always good (:
    Matthew Reily is amazing. So is sunshine and pretty hats.
    Soon we'll have a week totally free <3

  2. I'm having such a craving for that movie this week. Looked for it in kmart AND sanity and neither had it! Very disappointed in them both =(
    Am looking forward to the scarecrow movie, hope the actor they cast is hot =p
    Yeah, am still hoping everything works out with schools, I have to come back on the Saturday instead of the Sunday coz I've got a 21st, but hopefully the week will still be rad.

  3. Ah no ):
    JB is where I bought mine from.
    Didn't know they were making a movie, that should be excellent, but could any studio have a budget big enough to do Matthew Reily properly?
    I have no idea when I'm even going down, am thinking it's the 20th but haven't had any contact with anyone much for weeks. Also, swotvac does weird things to your head, I tell you :/

  4. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. He's writing energeticthe screenplay himself, so hopefully it will be goodly and they will give him lots of money to do whatever he wants with it =)
    Yeah, being alone messes with your head. Can't stand spending a full day all by myself, can't imagine what it would be like with all that studying looming over you.
    I think were going down on the 21st. But like you, I haunt actually spoken with anyone about this. I still don't even know where the heck the damn place is.
    How's all the studying and examing going? Feeling good/okayish about everything?

  5. Ooooh well movie will be great then (: Money money money. Could do with an ABBA marathon too, by the way. Typed too fast, came out first as marathong.... ew.
    I've been alone for over two weeks straight, not counting the fifteen or so minutes before exams. Things are a little strange.
    Not feeling terribly good, but only another nine days or something. VCAA doesn't count insomnia as much, grrr.
    We're apparently going on the 20th, but I haven't spoken to/seen the organiser for forever, so I don't really know. Will try and take a bike or something and ride to you guys (:

  6. i can always come pick you up. having a car kind of rules sometimes =p
    abba marathon sounds like a marvellous idea, abba karoke evening! you shall definately have to stay the night at ours for that.
    chin up, you'll get there soon, then a whole week of relaxation!
    just keep thinking of the sun and the smiles =)
