Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Insert Your Own Blog Title Here. I Can't Be Bothered.

So August was a busy month for us bloggers.
We're pretty awesome.
haven't posted in a while. haven't had the concentration to actually write anything for a while a guess =p
have a slight gripe.
subject selection.
always dislike this time of year.
actually, has nothing to do with the time of year, just hate having to do this.
thinking about all that future stuff.
i know what i want to do.
i want to travel.
i want to utilise my dual nationality, i want to get out of my comfort zone, i want to meet new people, experience new things and damn it, i want to do it now.
Yeah yeah. year 12. trust me, i haven't forgotten.
i just. well. im not really academically focused.
at least no where near as much as my peers and friends are.
it's just not how i am currently.
there were two good (interlinking) things about subject choices this year.
the fact that i found a course at UB that suited me down to the ground, and was full time for 5 months or part time for a year. again, really freaking perfect. if i did this course, as ive done two 3/4s this year, i could get away with only doing 4 next year, woo!
which leads me to my next good thing, the fact that i was advised to do both philosophy and theartre studies, two classes id originally thought i could only choose one of, and drop business management, a class i don't think will do anything for me that i wouldn't cover in the UB course i want to do.
obviously two days of happy thoughts on this was just too much, as apparently the course i want to do itsn't being offered part time next year.
if you're not going to offer it part time, don't tell me you do.
now im left in a bit of a muddle. as this course isn't being offered, i either have to find something to replace it. or stick to just doing 4 subjects next year.
i dont think the latter is yet an option in the eyes of the parentals. and im not sure i can blame them as it wasn't really an option to me until two days ago.
and until three days ago id planned to be out of the country by the summer of '11.
now. well. if things flow the way they look to be flowing currently (knowing me, the flow will be disrupted soon; i can but hope otherwise. unless its a better offer/plan of course) ill be in b-town until the summer of '12, and down 4 grand. plus two years worth of living expenses.
anyway. itll sort itself out. it may need some prompting, but itll get there =p

on a completely different (and much more awesome) note.
here's some pretty pictures that tell a fairy tale.
well. not a fairy tale. but they is DEFINITELY pretty pictures =p

he is the sex.
as is that hat =p

1 comment:

  1. Claire10:06 pm

    Mr pie-pod is being nasty and doesn't like me logging in... Oh well. Do like that method, should try it sometime haha, but honestly who wouldn't kiss Ianto? He could turn anyone :)
