Sunday, September 20, 2009

A strange urge.

Ok this is going to sound absurd but i really really feel like watching brokeback mountain. I saw the movie in a catalogue and ever since then ive really wanted to watch it. Like that persistent urge that never goes away, and it just bugs you for ages! It happened to me with Mulan. Dont panic though i managed to scrounge the dvd off someone. Mulan is good. Im going off topic now. My main point of this post was to see if anyone wanted to have a sleepover and watch it with me lol. It doesnt seem like the sort of film you'd watch on your own. I know that the film causes issues with people because of the whole 'gay' aspect, but i honestly dont think that would be much of a concern in our group. I was just putting the idea of watching it out there. This is why you shouldn't let me get sleep deprived, i go crazy and obsessive!
Anyway, hoping you're all having a fabulous holiday! I know i am! =]


  1. Brokeback Mountain isn't that good. And the gay sex scenes are hot - they're awkward.
    Just sayin'.

  2. well thats upsetting. I was looking forward to them lol. yeah but i still want to see it. despite whether its crap, awkward or boring.

  3. I would definitely watch that with you (:
    Even if it sucks, it would be good to have seen, like reading the classic books

  4. ive seen it.
    i dont remember it being much.
    but i dont remember much mainly because it was like 4am and i hadn't slept for a fair while.
    but im down with that.
    lets face it, im down for almost anything involving social contact =)
    ALMOST. anything.

  5. almost anything? i thought you were into experimentation em? im disappointed now. =p
