Friday, September 18, 2009

Utter Brilliance.

I have recently discovered the delights of the TV series True Blood. All credit goes to jacky. I encourage everyone to watch it. It is fantastic! Vampires, Sex and Blood. How could it get any better. Plus Eric the vampire has the sexiest hair you will ever see. He is a god.
Anyway. I'm been obsessing about this show like all day, i needed a way to channel my obsession =]


  1. Sounds like the series sure is something special. I might need to watch it myself haha.
    As good as torchwood?

  2. nothing is as good as torchwood. but its pretty awesome. i really like it. and its addictive too! although all the sex gets a bit boring after a while. they do it so much that you just get sick of it! haha

  3. Oh my - at least in Torchwood they're pretty restrained with the sex. It still sounds interesting, and that cover is pretty ;D
