Friday, October 06, 2006


Finally it's the weekend. How i'm going to put up with 9 more weeks of school i dont know. Actually, it's only 8 weeks for me as im going on holiday to the sunshine coast from about the 18th to the 26th. The only way i remember that is because my friends birthday is exactly 2 weeks from the day we fly out.
This is gonna make me sound even weirder than usual (yes, it is possible) but every day seems like about 3 different days. Which is stupid i know, but it does. Before school, during school, and after school. When im at school, the morning seems so long ago, and after school, school seems like it happened ages ago. It is odd.
Lately i've started listening to songs from cartoon movies. Like Anastasia and Aladdin. I love those kind of songs. And those kinda movies. I love anything corney. Corneyness is brilliant.
Don't cry wolf, cry piglet!

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