Tuesday, October 03, 2006


We all question our self worth at some time or another, right? But it's not supossed to be something we do all the time. So why is it i always seem to be lacking something? It doesn't matter what it is, looks, personality, intellegence, and it doesn't matter who im with, friends, family, people i don't know to well. I always feel im less than them or something. Like im not worth as much/anything.
Our school has plays every year for the middle and senior school, but next year instead they're having a musical. And I wouldn't mind trying out. But i won't. Some of my friends seem to think i should try out. I dunno why though. I can't act, i can't sing and i can't dance. I guess i wouldn't mind doing stuff backstage. I can't remember what it's called. A couple of my friends are gonna try out for dancing, and a few others for singing. Anyway, if anything comes out of it, i shall post it here, but i doubt it will.
G.U: (guy update) he asked out a girl. she said yes. i'm gonna go jump off a very tall building now. its either that or stay here and be advice girl for an eternity. *joy*
I can't do the talk, I can't do the walk, I can't be your friend, unless I pretend

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