Monday, October 02, 2006


Sob. The holidays are over. Back to school tomorrow. Isn't it horrible. Now I actually have to WORK! God forbid. I have a feeling there was some geography homework i was meant to do, but as all my geography books are at school, and i know a couple of other girls who haven't done it, im not gonna do it.
I think we holidays were pretty good. Aside from the whole pre-cancer thing. This is what i did these holls:
J stayed at my place for 2 nights. I stayed at K's place with L. I went to the movies with my sis and saw monster house. I stayed at Kelsey's house. K stayed at my place. I went to the Java lounge with K+ J the next day, went to the movies with them and a couple of other girls and saw step up, then stayed the night at K's with L and J.
All in all, it was pretty fun. It's just a shame I'm not doing anything today, being the last day of the holidays and all. Bummer.
I took my camera to K's house and took a whole stack of photos. Some of them are........ interesting to say the least. :-P

This is K at my place, sitting on my bed. She hate's having photos taken of her. So obviously I took loads.
This is J. Behind bars, where she belongs :-D Now all she needs is a straight jacket......
This is L. She's the baby of the group. Everyone thinks she's so innocent. But we know better. But she is adorable.
L and J eating choc wedges on K's swings. Yummy........

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