Thursday, October 12, 2006


Great news!! Somebody i don't know commented on my blog!!! Sure, there comment was a dissagrement, but we can't win all the time.
Anyway. Now that that's out of the way. I hate being stuck in the middle. It really, really sucks balls. To say it nicely. But, there's these two friends I have, and they always change their minds about each other. And im the one who always hears about the. The one they say 'God he was a bitch today' or 'She gave me an odd look' and im not saying they've said those things, but they have said things like that. And it's been going on for ages. So that's my grumble. Oh, and the fact that i have hiccups. I would like that to be recognized as a complaint.
I'll tell you all a great word. A fantastic new insult I leart today in english. From our english teacher no less. Are you ready for it? It really is fantastic. Alright, here it is: Hugger-mugger. Isn't it brilliant? It really is wonderus (<-----dont think that's spelt right) But really. Just imagine it. Walking up to someone and going 'Hey, sup hugger-mugger?' They would have absolutly no idea you'd just insulted them. I don't know what it means though. If you do, please let me know. Coz otherwise i'll have to make up my own definition. And that wouldn't be anywhere near as fun. Actually, it might be! But i want you all to remember it. Becuase it is brilliant. HUGGER-MUGGER!!!
Captain planet, he's our hero! Gonna take polution down to zero!

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