Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alrighty, this is how this is going to work

even though none of you have commented telling me what you thought of my ideas, i shall do it anyway, however before this can actually take place you guys do have to leave a little comment.

i am planning on turning this into a forum type thing as opposed to just my ramblings.
in order for me to do this, i would like you to either post a comment telling me you'd like to be part of this, or just tell me at school and ill double check your email address and add you as an author.

i just think this way there might be more posts more often if there's more than one of us attatched to this thing, also we might get some interesting points of discussion up here. either way, id like you all to be able to post on here.

hopefully this will work.
fingers crossed!!!

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