Thursday, May 21, 2009

Group Blog Shenanigans!

Now, i do believe we should change the blog name, mainly because im really bad at thinking up these things, and also becuase i think we should all have the ability to contribute to this and aquire some feeling of ownership for it.

Also, the url. frozenromance, incase anyone is wondering, is a song lyric. and mulitple years ago, i listened to i muchly. while it is still a good song, it isn't overly relevant anymore. So it is time for a new URL!

Any suggestions will be appreciated, witty, clever, bizzare or just plain us.

suggest away my pretties!!!


  1. Anonymous10:44 pm

    You do realise that by referring to us as 'my pretties', you sound like a witch?

  2. indeedly doo.
    i also pictured you all as flying monkeys.

    you wish your mind was as awesome as mine.

  3. Anonymous10:48 pm

    No, I really don't...

  4. Anonymous10:52 pm

    I think we should call the blog 'Don't Drop the Balloon'. RE:
