Saturday, May 09, 2009

Dear God

i'm tired.
realx, this isn't an online prayer.
imagine, the girl who had a priest say to her 'phew, i thought you were getting religious on us!' and 'you'd be scary religous'
anyone have any thoughts on this?
im not at all saying im anti-religion.
in moderation im all for it. im just not crazy on extremists, or people who shove their damn views down my throat.
although i can see some point to the views of people who say religion is the basis of a fair few of the worlds problems.

but thats not the point of this post. saying that, it doesn't really have a point.
i just felt realy bad for actually getting around to telling people aboout this blog, and then ignoring it for over a month. or some larger amount of time.
i'm currently trying to update my itunes.
which involves borrowing a whole stack of jacky's cds and putting them on my computer
although this task is inredibly long and boring, as not all of the songs came from actual albums, therefore i have to google lyrics and name everything and its time consuming and im lazy, hence why its taking me so long.
my ipod has been acting rather tempremental lately, itll change songs and take about three minutes to actually start playing the next song, and this happens even if i skip whatever song it is or try to play a new one. also, i turned if off when it was in the middle of one of its episodes, and it wouldn't turn on for another 8 hours, and then it said i needed to plug it into a power source, even though it was almost completely full that morning. tempremental piece of technology.
argh. nothing is labled. my eyes are slowing starting to droop shut, so i think i had best be off to bed.

oh, before i go, i have a feeling i said something to someone about posting pictures on here, does anyone remember this conversation because if they do i may actually post some pictures.

anyhoo. night all.

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