Monday, May 25, 2009

As You Can Probably Tell

this wonderful blog here now has for authors.
hooray for all of us!

i just quickly want to prefix the rest of this blog by saying please forgive any massive spelling/spacing errors eg. he yguys. obvioulsy meant to be hey guys. im rather tired and spelling has never been one of my strong points. im sure you'll all get the general gist of what im trying to say.
now, on with the random blogging!!

hello to our dear little LozRobin who is obvioulsy looking so forward to all the bloggy goodness she will come to bestow on us in days and months to come. kudos to her and jenna for posting as soon as they accepted the invite. proudness to u all.

i (being the awesomely and totally freaking awesome person that i am) went to the movies with my mother and sister earlier tonight. i know what you're'll all thinking 'can this girl get any cooler?' and the answer is yes, yes she can. we saw Star Trek. and i would just like to say, UBER WOOTAGE HEARTS to it. tis a very good movie. there were both tears and explosions in the first ten minutes. muchos marvelous. makes me want to go see some more star trek. jump on that bandwagon too =p mums seen some of the old star trek, and apparently the way the movie ends (dont stress, if you havent seen it im not going to ruin it for you without fair warning) completley contridicts all the earlier star trek stuffs. humorous, and its a prequel. my theory is they plan on sequeling the prequel if the movie goes well or SPOILER ALET making more than one following this plot line with the whole paralell universe thing SPOLILER OVER basically i really hearted it. i would like to see it again. right now. somebody get a copy of it, install an uber awesome home theatre system, and i will come around to your house RIGHT NOW and watch it with u. ive also decided im a bit of a fan of chris pine, so that quite helps the movie, and i do like chris hemsworth as kirk senior.
anyway. like i said, i thought it was a good movie. and if anyone reading this hasn't seen it and wants to, let me know, coz im quite keen to go again.

happy blogging all =)

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