Sunday, June 14, 2009

I guess I don't really have that much to say

which will come as a total shock to everyone.
but i guess i do have stuff to say, but saying it here isn't really a good idea.
I'm all for public forums, and i'm never one to shy away from venting about people/things, but i doubt these people would appreciate the world wide web hearing about them.
you know what i've discovered lately? facebook tells you things you need to know faster than the people who should be telling you these things.
or rather, when someone has a bit of information that you kind of need to know, apparently it's okay to comment someone elses facebook status with this information, multiple hours before telling you it.
sometimes the interweb sucks.
i havent been feeling very well lately. not physically. aside from a runny nose and aching bones i'm fine. but mentally, or socially, or however the hell you want to phrase it.
you know what i like?
having fun.
not just little bits of fun.
but the kind of fun where you don't care who's watching, and you'll sing and dance and yell and laugh till your sides hurt and smile till you're cheeks ache.
i'm not having fun at the moment.
i want to throw things.
i threw my phone.
don't worry. it didn't break.
but it did make me feel a little better.
there was a scene in a movie a watched today (if any ones interested it was he's just not that into you) where this woman was pissed off at her husband coz he slept with another woman, and lied to her about having quit smoking. and you know what she did?
smashed a mirror.
just lifted it off the wall and threw it on the ground.
i would like to do that. break something.
the 7 years bad luck can just be added onto my already unending sentence of it.


i think i may have said something back at the beginning of this years posts about how i was going to try to be less of a whining bitch this time round.

i guess a leopard can't change its spots.


  1. i have a pretty strong suspicion that i know what this is about. grrrs about facebook. and i feel bad coz it was my facebook *looks away guiltfully*
    i didnt know you were sick emmie babe. *gives hugs* we all sick. and not having fun. when i stop coughing as much, we'll laugh and dance til there's no tomorrow. hows that sound =]?
    please dont be upset. dont throw mirrors. yeah im a superstituous retard. love you heaps xoxox

  2. Anonymous10:50 pm

    It's not you being a whining bitch at all. I felt the same way not too long ago, I'm going to write a blog about it right now - dedicated to you young emmielou, you had best read it.
