Saturday, June 20, 2009

You May Be Wondering

about my previous post and its layout.
Then again, you may not.
either way, im going to give it a brief blurb here.
most of you know how lazy i am.
its a fact.
sometimes, i just dont want to have to think to hard.
and when i was watching a ridiculously awesome highly intelligent full of good plot movie like i do sometimes, a girl wrote an In, Out list.
admittedly hers was hells more bitchy than mine.
but i liked the idea of just being able to write very little words, but still tell people a vague ness of whats going on.
also, it gives the opportunity for explanations/expansion in the comments section if people are interested in a particular note of mine, and the opportunity to skip over something if they Just. Don't. Care.
so i guess im saying, expect more of them.
and here is todays:


  • Dave-hugs
  • Cyril
  • Ice Packs
  • Spider Solitaire
  • Shannon and Sam Work Days
  • Free Water
  • Enjoying What You Do
  • Vaseline


  • Being Uber Late And Not Letting The Appropriate People Know
  • Falling Over
  • Painful Ankles
  • Ice Packs Being to Cold (yes im a wuss =p)
  • People Kissing Other People When They're Already In A Relationship
  • Dry Lips
  • Not Getting Paid For Enjoying What You Do =( =P
  • Overuse Of Emoticons

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