Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Don't you hate homework? I do. Why do I care about the difference ing a drape mould and a press mould? Exactly, i don't. Unless i want to become a potter or a ceramics teacher, and i don't want to be either.
I don't know what I want to do 'when i grow up'. More like if i grow up! Cheesepuff wanted to become a, a physoitheripist ( i know that's spelt wrong, but i could care less) i think. But I'm not sure if she still does. And Yesterday's wanted to be alot of things, an astronaut and an enginner (yep, another spelling mistake, i'm doing this when im not supossed to be, so give me a break!) but she's keeps changing her mind.
I wanted to become a phycologist (or a phyciatrist, i can never remember the difference, or how to spell either of them!!) or a councillor, i still want to do that, but i want to write as well. I once told someone i wanted to be a councillor, and she just laughed at me, then she realised i wasn't kidding. So that really raised my spirits. She didn't think i could do it. I don't konw if she still thinks i can't. I haven't raised the subject since.
I've got homework due tomorrow, maths, which i've done, it's just pronumerals, ceramics, which is answering all these questions using a booklet Mr. H handed out, and my booklet has pages missing, so that's really handy! I got some chinese homwork today, it's not to hard, it's just time consuming, copying out the character, finding the pinyin, then translating it all into english. And we got a bit of french, but that was just memorising vocab, and no one (bar 2 people) does that. I'm not one of the two who do it.
I really want to watch Toy Story for some reason. I haven't seen that movie in ages! It's fun to watch though.
Dinner's nearly ready, so i suposse i had better go out and eat that,

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