Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stuff and nonsense

Another post at school! I'm getting good at this. I'm on lunch break right now, so it's ok that i'm doing this. At least, it's not blocked by webmashell! Yesterday tried to acsess the Fairly Odd Parent (a kids cartoon) website, and it was blocked because of pornography! He he. Cheesepuff's not at school today, she sprained her ankle last night I'm assuming. I might call her when i get home to see how she is and if she wants to stay the night at mine on Saturday with Yesterday. Hope she can, it should be fun.
I like changing the colours of my blog, it's fun! From pink, to purple, to blue. I know im insane, but it's fun!
Yesterday is flicking through The Princess Diaries Guide to Life, she's reading me 'The Mysterious World of Guys'. It's funny. Has anyone else noticed the way girls obsess over how they look around guys, and guys never care! Well, i suposse i shouldn't make such a generalization, i know a guy who's not like that. He's cool, as far as I'm concerned! I think it's just the guys in our year leval who are like that. But the 'popular' girls don't care, and just look pretty (and slutty) to impress them.
I'm a single girl, so . . i have no idea where this is going. I'm single and loving it. Well, maybe loving it is an exageration. I deal with it. I wouldn't mind a boyfriend, but im sick of people trying to hook me up with random gusy i've never heard of! One of the 'popular' girls said 'You should go shopping for one!' (one being a boyfriend). I aksed her how that woked and she said: 'The shops are parties and the currency is hotness!' If that's the case, i rarely 'shop' with the kind of people she's talking about. And im not rich. I'll get around to posting a picture of my up here soon, if i can find a decent one that is.
I'm gonna move on from the subject of boys because, well, becuase i'm sick of talking about that now and will move onto something new. It may not be more interesting, but it will be new to my blog. Some random is comparing my typing speed to yesterdays. I hate itw hen people compare me to her. Well, not hate, dislike. And she is an amazing person, and smart, i just always seem to have to measure up to her, and be as good as her. And i'd rather just be my own person. Aw well, I love her anyways!
Yesterday was spammed by this random person who also left a link to this 'Make Money From Home site' and webmarshell wouldn't let her access it beacuse of pornography! She has a thing with attracting that doesn't she! Don't kill me for saying that! You know, they've blocked Neopets coz the word games was triggered 25 time on the same page. Once they blocked a page coz of games triggerend something like 279 times! He he.
Well, I really have nothing left to say, except wish me luck in IMP (instumental music program) It's so boring and the teacher gave me a detention coz i forgot my viola 4 times. Yes i play viola, yes i suck, yes i hate it, yes i can't wait for the year to be over so we don't have to do it anymore. What I really want to do is play the drums, but i can't unless we find somewhere to keep a drumkit at home, so im gonna ask grandma if i can use her garage. Yesterday, Cheesepuff and i want to start a band, but we need another guitar player, bass or 6 stringed, soooo, yeah, i need to convince mum to let me play the drums.
My wrist if starting to hurt from all thsi typing, i know that sounds odd but i think i bashed it against something earlier. And i think i should stop boring whoever's reading this. So, i'll catch you later!
p.s i'll put anothre poem on here tonight, i don't have my book with them in at school. bye again!

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