Tuesday, November 22, 2005


For those of you who don't know, LP's are records, and at home, we happen to have a record player and about three full of LP's. And It's actually quite fun going through them. I've gone through a few, but just so i could find the ABBA one i wanted. I found it in case anyone was wondering. I also found a Sting one. Not that that has any significance, just wanted to mention it. Then after i found the record and put it in, i had to find the volume control, which, of course, i couldn't, so i got mum's help and she almost deffened us with static, but then she figured it out.
I found an LP called 'Reggae Now' kools, i'll have a listen to that later. Well, a listen to. There's another Reggae one to, 'Reggae Sunsplash '81. A tribute to Bob Marley' Awesome!
Resords i found:
'Wanna buy a bridge?'
'Unforgettable' 18 classic songs of love, awwwwwwwwwwwwww
The Correct Use of Soap
The Partridge Family-Shopping Bag. according to mum, the partridge faimly was a tv show, he he.
The Sound of Bread
Song- The kid with the replacable head' he he

And then there's heaps more, but i can't be botherd naming them all, and i haven't gone through all the boxes yet, i've got one and a bit left to go.
I've got out 5 Lp's to listen to, and am currently listening to 'Unforgetable' I Like it! That may have something to do with the fact that im a big softie, but whatever! He he

1 comment:

  1. Dear fire water earth,

    do forgive me, but I could not help myself, seeing as you have a Partridge Family album in your post.

    I think I Love You
