Wednesday, August 19, 2009


(Best way to start a post. Ever.)
Well, I was just visiting this friendly blog and saw my photo (suitably unflattering but a lot better than many others that could have been chosen) and thought, well, must be time to make a post. And use the word 'well' yet again, perhaps.
But then my computer went stupid.
And now we get to here!

So OK! I suppose this is the point where I realise that I have little to nothing of merit to say, similar to the entry in Things White People Like.. Posting about feelings would mean that people would know what I was feeling. And I don't think I'm quite prepared for free access to my feelings yet. But a little while ago I went through this phase where I would write down 5 good things that happened that day, in order to drive home the message that good things DO happen. (Problem was, when I wasn't feeling so good I just wouldn't do it. But I'm ignoring that for the moment.)
So here's my list.
(I do like lists. I never read that book 'The Listmaker' but I.. don't know where that sentence is going..)

1. Slept in until 7:40. Now, this might not sound that late, but it's a good time for me!
2. Had this yum Vietnamese noodle goo for lunch.
3. Decided some stuff for House Dinner.
4. Didn't have French.
5. Ate Kiri

Wut for self importance!


  1. self importance makes the world go round!!
    lists kick butt, and are fun to blog.
    welcome to the world of totally awsome bloggers =p

  2. Anonymous7:28 pm

    Yay for no French!!!

  3. Hooray for Katie! Welcome to our wonderful blog! By the way your vietnamese noodle stuff looked delicious!!!

  4. That's one nice wut at the end!
    And a very nice idea about the writing down good things. No french is very nice :)
