Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health - Serious Post

Please note: The following story is true and quite confronting. Be warned.

I watched a video in health today about a child abuse case in London.

A man and a woman had a little boy called Peter Connelly.
This woman and this man split up.
This woman was given full custody of Peter.
This woman got a boyfriend.
This man believed Peter to be a toy for him to play with.
This man threw Peter onto the ground from six feet in the air.
This man trained his rottweilers to attack Peter by biting the little boys head himself.
Instead of giving Peter a hug and a kiss goodnight he was picked up off the floor and thrown into his cot.
This man threw Peter around the room like a rag doll.
This man snapped Peter's spine in two.
The sound of the snap was heard around the house and Peter screamed in pain.
This woman did nothing about any of this.
Her first husband tried to steal Peter away from her.
This woman called the police on him.
After being left alone in his cot covered in urine and faeces for three days, Peter began to cry.
This woman's new boyfriend said "I'll sort him" - grabbed Peter, took him into the bathroom and slammed the door.
After a few seconds Peter went silent.
This man had punched Peter in the face.
Ten minutes later this woman called the ambulance.
Peter was already dead.
The autopsy showed that this man punched Peter so hard in the face he had swallowed his own back teeth.
There was blood on Peter's spine 48 hours old.
This man got 8 months in prison.

This makes me want to throw up. Throw up on this man and tear out his heart...if he even knows what that is.


  1. im sorry, did i read that correctly?
    8 months?
    8. Freaking. Months.
    for not only making a little boys life hell, but ending that life, and he gets 8 MONTHS???
    there are no words for the injustice and disgrace of that situation.


  2. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Yep. What the fuck is this world coming to, hey?

  3. That's quite sick - did he have some amazing lawyer who managed to brainwash everybody in the court to think that there is nothing wrong with this?

    People who hurt children or animals are the worst sort. And they put some damn nasty images into my mind. Very angry....

  4. Anonymous9:12 pm

    Oh and did I mention that Peter would have been the age where he just learned to walk when his spine was broken?

  5. its things like this that seriously make you wonder why.
    how on earth could anyone consider only 8 months in prison the right sort of punishment for a man who not only killed another human being, but killed a child.
    who had only just learned to walk!!
    can you get much more innocent than that???

  6. That's so wrong, the mother should have been charged for at least as long as the partner got, and he should have been locked away for a very long time, or forced to spend the rest of his days working at the sewer farm. So very wrong.

  7. Anonymous7:22 pm

    The mother got longer than he did. I don't know how long that was though.

  8. that makes no sense.
    i mean, yes, there should have been some form of punishment for her, but fot her to get less than the guy who inflicted the pain?
    how does that work?
    how is that justified in a court of law?
    ^ not just rambling, i actually would like to know how that went, and how she got more.
    sense little makes.
