Friday, August 21, 2009

Hazy Shade of Winter

Hullo there lovely friends!

Thanks to darling Emmie for inviting me all those days back, and I'm so sorry I only read my emails a few days ago. Eek, I'm so slack. But look at these pretty colours♥♥♥

I don't really have anything worthwhile to write, so maybe this will be a rant about discrimination. Of any kind, it's stupid, and I don't see why everyone can't just love everyone however they are, unless it's discrimination against somebody who punched you in the face. That I understand. Anyhoo, has anyone else noticed that the media always overlooks a kind of discrimination that is ever-present for us, discrimination against teenagers? It's such a pain. People often take one look and decide that we are not worth their time. Without being rude, offensive, anything of the kind, we get judged for something so out of our control. Sorry for not being old? It annoys me. You will be met by open-mouthed staring if you ever stand up to give a seat to an older/frail person on public transport, and asked if you are getting off. They just cannot believe that there would be a reason for a "youth" (such a bad, nearly derogatory word in most of its uses) to do such a thing.

Hmm what a nasty, cynical view of the world there. Is a blog allowed to be serious? I think I'll use more colours next time ;D

♥~♥~♥ Oh well, heart you all! ♥~♥~♥