Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lemon Pie!!!!!

My day was pretty good today. I woke up feeling really cruddy. So I stayed home from school. And i tried to sleeo in. But somewhere near our house, this truck kept reversing, so it was making that annoying reversing-truck noise and i couldn't get back to sleep :-( So I got up and checked my emails as my friend (see post below to find out which friend) said he'd email me in the morning. But he didn't email at all. And then (as we'd had a storm last night with loads of wind) mum walked in with a bucket full of lemons and was like "Emma. Make Pie" only, nicer, and more joking-y. And i was like, "Yay!! Pie!!!" and so i found a recipie for lemon meranguie pie. And I made Pie. And it was really, really good pie.

Oh yeah, that's my pie!! Doesn't it look good? And I think there's only one piece left and IT IS SO MINE!!
Anyway. so that's pretty much all i did. Well, i read some of my books. Oh, i was reading this one book 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer for all of you playing at home, and i got so frustrated. I've read the book mulitple times before and absolutly love it, but this time, one of the main characters, Edward, kept reminding me of my friend. The same one who was supossed to email me today, and the same one the below post is about. And the whole point i was reading was to try and distract myself. So i changed books.
That's actually all my day was. Apart from talking to some friends on msn. Oh, well i wrote some more.
I can't remember if i've mentioned this alredy, but the band has a name. And a website. We're called 'Above The Law' and our site is go there!! and become our friend as we like having friends.
I'm gonna go watch Ab Fab or something, see yas.
and one day, i hope i'll be safe in your arms. but right now, it don't look like that's ever gonna happen

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:35 pm

    HEY EMMA! Its lisa! PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha reversing truck noise very nice! anyway its friday and i got home from tennis after paling shit so now i am reading about pie! yes i can see how my life is a bit odd. OMG how hard wast the history "commom assesment" haha sod it EXAM!!!!
