Monday, September 18, 2006

Almost out?

Well I'm feeling a little better than yesterday. Mum filled me in some more on what pre-cancer actually is. Apparently it means the cancerous cells are contained in one gland, and if they remove that, everything should be ok. I asked her if she was gonna need chemo and she said she wasn't sure. The little girl who used to live next door to us had to have chemo, she has lukemia. I mean, it could be worse. But for some reason, thinking that doesn't really comfort me. Not only has she known for about a month and not told either my sister or me, but my level co-ordinator and tutor at school found out before me. That doesn't exactly make me smile.
It still doens't seem real. I think, for the moment, that that's a good thing. Coz as soon as I realise that this isn't a dream, I'm really gonna need someone to talk to.
Speaking of dreams, I had quite a few last night. I kept waking up for a few minutes and then falling back asleep, and the dream continued like it was a movie i'd steped out of, and then walked back in after missing a scene or two. It was funny, becuase it was playing out relitivly like a normal school day, execept for the fact that up untill lunchtime it was wednesday, and from lunch onwards it was monday. I often get dreams confused with reality. Once i dreamt we had orange juice in the fridge (yes i know that's a kooky dream) and the next morning i was like 'where did all the juice go?' Needless to say, my family laughed at me.
I'm home alone at the moment, and i dunno what to do. I could just surf the net for the rest of the day, but i don't really feel like doing that. I wanna talk to someone on msn or something, but no one interesting is online! yes i know i could call someone, but im llllaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyy. That and it's eaisier for people to read how you're really feeling from your voice than from the font on the computer screen.
Better a dimond with a flaw than a pebble without one

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