Saturday, September 23, 2006

Parents. Damn them.

Am v. pissed of with my father. Not only did he make that comment about my grades, but then he READ MY BLOG. I don't care what anyone else thinks, that's not on. Then he said to me 'whats all this bullshit about your father on here' Great. Now he thinks all i feel is bullshit as well as inadequate. Digging himself into a hole. I told him i didn't want him reading it and that it was none of him buisness, and his reply was, why put it up there if you dont want people reading it. Want me to be specific dad? I don't want YOU reading it. Anyone reading this (not many people i know) is either somebody i dont know, and may never know. Or a friend, someone i've either given this url to, or the url to my other blog, and they've got here through that. Either way. I have no problem with them reading it. The whole point i started writing on here again was becuase i couldn't talk to people about it. No, not couldn't. I mean if i wanted to i could have. But i didn't want to. Incase it changed their perspective of me. So I'm mad at my dad.
A friend got me thinking about secrets earlier today. I don't really have manny secrets. At least not many that spring to mind. There's the one about the guy, that's a secret. There's the one about my mum and her pre-cancer. But thats not a secret as such. Just something i dont want the world to know. And really, that's about it. Apart from secrets friends have told me. But i dont regard them as my secrets. Simply becuase if i did, I'd probably end up telling someone. I'm not very good at keeping my own secrets. But i keep other peoples really well. Which seems silly.
Anyway, i've got to go hang out the washing coz mum can't. Then i might go outside and lie down. Maybe read a book. Listen to music. I dunno. Just something.
I think you wouldn't know where to feed your self if you didnt flap your mouth so much. Yes, I think you're stupid

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