Friday, September 22, 2006


Words can thrill people. They can excite them, worry them, frighten them, make them feel loved, make them feel alone or drive them crazy. But, if you break it down, all words are, are groups of letters strung together. Take the word bad for example. If you say it long enough, until it just slurs into one un-decipherable noise, it looses all its meaning, and any power it may have held. Its just 3 letters. It can't hurt you.
But saying that, words can also mess you up pretty badly. I mean, if you live every day of your life, or even just some of your life, being verbally abused or taunted by anyone, whether it's parents, other people your age, teachers or just who ever. That sucks. I know.
It depends who your talking to though, as to if you'll get offended or not. I've had people say to me on a daily basis, whore, slut, bitch etc. But considering one of the people who says those things to me is the one i accused of pole dancing on weekends, she has every right to. But when she says those things, i know she's kidding. And when i say things like the pole dancing comment, my friends know im kidding. But sometimes the fact that you're kidding isn't so easily convayed. And sometimes, there's things you just don't joke about, no matter how well you know the person or how comfortable you are with them.
I'm thinking of getting a tatto (of course, i've been thinking of getting one for the past two years). I was gonna get one on my ankle to begin with, but when i read that your ankle was one of the most painful places to get a tatto, i changed my mind. Im now thinking of getting the chinese character for love tattoed on the left hand side of my chest, just above my boob. Any one got any thoughts?
Men - can't live with them, can't shoot them..................."Says who?!?"

1 comment:

  1. We both know i can't spell, but i changed it, happy?
